quite sometime ago Harley and Aiden suggested i looked more deeply into the conspiracy theories on which our video is being created, since they seem to know more on the subject than me. since I've finally found some time to do this I'm going to search through the web to find the various strands of Illuminati beliefs to give the team some solid ground to work from, and hopefully we can refer to this post for any information needed. i intend to source a lot of my information from the following website, since it seems the best around: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread20281/pg1
Like any conspiracy theory, Illuminati are highly speculated upon and the idea of a potential new world order is ridiculed by the vast majority. The website above is a timeline, listing all events to do with the Illuminati/ Freemasons. starting from the very bottom of the list, the organisation supposedly started in the 1700's, and is put on the web page as "Illuminati/Freemasons", the two have been supposedly linked in conspiracy theories for a long time. the name of the Illuminati is derived from bearers of the light, and supposedly the name also came from "Lucifer". the organisation was supposedly started by Adam Weishaupt and Jesuit Priest, along with the Freemasons.

Through the 1700 and 1800's the Freemasons and Illuminati spread their routes and adopted many other organisations such as the Rothschild's, aside from this there is very little activity or development up to the early 1900's where most events are relatively unimportant to our video. events such as the wall street crash of 1929 was supposedly caused by the Illuminati along with other worldwide economic depressions, showing how the Illuminati are linked to famous events taking place since their supposed creation.
The Illuminati are then blamed for financially backing Hitler for his invasion into Poland in 1939. At this stage the Illuminati are looking like a scapegoat for all bad things since the 1700's onwards. nothing of importance to our video then takes place until 1989 when
George bush is elected president of the USA, and he is supposedly a free mason, who are still strongly associated with the Illuminati. before 1989, the Illuminati are Incorporated into many theories about assassinations of world leaders, such as only one man being arrested for the assassination of president Kennedy is found with 5 bullets from separate guns in his body. Also a prime example is the crash of flight KAL 007, the flight which Larry McDonald is on board. the plane supposedly flown over a shortcut which commonly used with low fueled planes, however the flight was high on fuel. it flown into restricted air space, at which point fighter pilots shot warning shots past the cockpit, which went un- acknowledged, so the flight was shot down. all bodies were recovered except for the pilot and co pilot. eye witnesses saw 2 parachutes from the plane. this is a fantastic example of how our video will be portraid as the Illuminati carrying top secret operations without any of the general public being aware.
In 1990, around the start of the gulf war, George bush publically announced the new world order. weather the context of this was twisted or not is constantly debated by believers and sceptics, even though he clearly says the words "new world order".
Like any conspiracy theory, Illuminati are highly speculated upon and the idea of a potential new world order is ridiculed by the vast majority. The website above is a timeline, listing all events to do with the Illuminati/ Freemasons. starting from the very bottom of the list, the organisation supposedly started in the 1700's, and is put on the web page as "Illuminati/Freemasons", the two have been supposedly linked in conspiracy theories for a long time. the name of the Illuminati is derived from bearers of the light, and supposedly the name also came from "Lucifer". the organisation was supposedly started by Adam Weishaupt and Jesuit Priest, along with the Freemasons.

Through the 1700 and 1800's the Freemasons and Illuminati spread their routes and adopted many other organisations such as the Rothschild's, aside from this there is very little activity or development up to the early 1900's where most events are relatively unimportant to our video. events such as the wall street crash of 1929 was supposedly caused by the Illuminati along with other worldwide economic depressions, showing how the Illuminati are linked to famous events taking place since their supposed creation.
The Illuminati are then blamed for financially backing Hitler for his invasion into Poland in 1939. At this stage the Illuminati are looking like a scapegoat for all bad things since the 1700's onwards. nothing of importance to our video then takes place until 1989 when

In 1990, around the start of the gulf war, George bush publically announced the new world order. weather the context of this was twisted or not is constantly debated by believers and sceptics, even though he clearly says the words "new world order".
The new world order is a plan by the Illuminati for a small group of leaders to rule the world, the details of which are vague and irrelevant but may come into play at some point in our video if necessary. several other ideas which come back to the Illuminati are listed and briefly described below:
9/11 conspiracy:
the falling of the twin towers was ten years to the day after George bush publicly said "a new world order" which theorists have obviously picked up on and claimed that is more than
just a coincidence. the idea that the towers were actually blown up by the government (controlled by the Illuminati) has many different pieces of evidence, such as the pillars at the bottom of the towers: they were cut at a perfect angle which is usually used in controlled demolition. Another piece of evidence is that supposedly British television announced the falling of one of the buildings 7 minutes before it fell. some people even go as far to say that no plane ever hit the pentagon, and that it disappeared. this because there was only actually one shot that captured the very tip of the plane hitting the pentagon despite it being the most protected building in the entire world. when some plane experts were consulted on the conditions of the crash into the pentagon they said that it would have been impossible for reasons such as: the plane was moving too fast at the time of the crash for it to have come close enough to the ground to hit the building, and because the terrorists who hijacked the plane had been training in a very basic bi plane, and it would be incredibly difficult to fly a Boeing with such accuracy having only trained in a small bi plane, stating that not only would the controls be completely different and massively complex in comparison, and one pilot that was interviewed said that after all his experience flying the Boeing he would not be able to be so accurate. the 9/11 conspiracy also links in with modern day Illuminati signs in commercial areas below.
Illuminati symbols in everyday culture:
despite the Illuminati supposedly being extremely intelligent, there are claimed to be symbols left by them in almost any place you look. a good example to start with is the American dollar bill: the bill has the all seeing eye atop a pyramid, the Illuminati symbol. the dollar bill is also supposed to represent "the order of new ages", alarmingly close to Bushes publicly announced "new world order", obviously setting conspiracy theorists up with a link. also on the 20 dollar bill even more alarmingly and less likely to be a coincidence are pictures of the twin towers on fire, the pentagon on fire. at first this is rejected by almost everyone, but you don't have to look hard to see these pictures, and if the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bill are all folded in the seems to be like some sort of prediction or prophecy, since the notes were produced in 1996.

Illuminati symbols in everyday culture:
despite the Illuminati supposedly being extremely intelligent, there are claimed to be symbols left by them in almost any place you look. a good example to start with is the American dollar bill: the bill has the all seeing eye atop a pyramid, the Illuminati symbol. the dollar bill is also supposed to represent "the order of new ages", alarmingly close to Bushes publicly announced "new world order", obviously setting conspiracy theorists up with a link. also on the 20 dollar bill even more alarmingly and less likely to be a coincidence are pictures of the twin towers on fire, the pentagon on fire. at first this is rejected by almost everyone, but you don't have to look hard to see these pictures, and if the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bill are all folded in the seems to be like some sort of prediction or prophecy, since the notes were produced in 1996.
There are other references to the Illuminati in public culture, particularly the media and it's productions. below are just a few examples of Illuminati reference in Hollywood:
obviously the biggest question amongst this is, why would such a clever organisation give themselves away like this? that question does not seemed to have been addressed yet, but its almost certain that if they were responsible for the fall of the twin towers or such an event they would not openly admit or even hint that they were behind it. however, before starting this post i was very sceptical about the possibility of this secret organisation like Aiden, but i have now come to see that Harley did have a point when he mentioned the amount of evidence suggesting this and i firmly believe, mainly due to the dollar bills that there is something going on and there is far to much evidence for it to be a coincidence.
This post has allowed me to carry out my own research to establish and gain deeper understanding on the foundations behind our video, which will be important for me to help in it's production. my knowledge of the subject has now become intensely clearer and it should help with getting a real feel for our video. this post can also help the team for reference to any needed knowledge of the history of the Illuminati. Last minute plot changes could be made in reference to this post, e.g. small references to Illuminati events such as assassinations, disappearances etc.
extremely thorough. you've got a lot to think about here. make sure you use the iconography that is obvious to a mass audience.
please resize all youtube clips so they are the same.
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