for some scenes which are currently unfilmed, we need specific costume if we are going to get the correct feel for it. this consists of riot gear, or as it stands, the closest we can get to riot gear. i have volunteered to retrieve this equipment, as i know a police officer who said he could provide equipment for me last year in media AS. hopefully, we can get some form of riot gear such as stab vests, batons and possibly a riot helmet. the helmet isn't promised but hopefully we may get one. i think a helmet would really polish off the look quite Nicley, and it would give the impression that officer isn't just your average copper, showing he is more important and more exceeding in ability, however it also shows with the rest of the equipment that the police and therefore government are on the side of or subordinated to the Illuminati/agents. here is a picture of the general kind of equipment we are hoping to use to create the look of our agent:

even though we are not referencing it, a look which we would like to include with the general attributes of the police officer is that of the riot officers in foo fighters video of the record "the pretender" giving us a look to fashion our police officer around.
Reece. I can get you a stab vest, night stick and 'belt' for Thursday if you still need it. You must take great care of this equipment if it is to be used.
yes we still need it please and thursday would be great, and we would be very careful when using it. thanks again for the help sir
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